If you are interested in selling your scissors through our consignment store, please use the contact us page and put “consignment” in the subject line.
If you do choose to consign your scissors there will an initial $50 non-refundable fee to process the scissors before posting. This fee covers handling, storage, sharpening and certifying the quality of scissors prior to posting them in our consignment store for sale.
The sale price of the item will be mutually agreed upon by Federico Advanced and the Seller prior to posting item for sale on Federico Advanced online store. Once the sale price has been determined it must stay at that price for a minimum of 30 days. Seller may reduce the price once every thirty days.
If you do wish to consign, you agree to have your items posted in our online store for sale for a minimum of 30 days and for maximum of 180 days. After receiving your items and processing them, if your items are found to be damaged or not meeting quality standards of our online store, they will be sent back to you.
If your item does not sale by the end of the 180 days, your item will be shipped back to you.
If your item is sold through our online store, Federico Advanced will keep 30% of the sale price as a consignment fee, and Federico Advanced will send out payment to you within 14 days of sale of consigned item.
Consignment items are currently limited to scissors only.